
“The reproducibility of studies and the ability to follow up on the work of others is key for innovation in science and engineering.”
—- Leland Wilkinson

Dr. Jerid Francom

Apr 17, 2024


  • Orientation
  • Communicating research
    • Public-facing
    • Peer-facing


The Big Picture


Communication is the way to contribute. It is the way to share your work with others, to get feedback, and to build on the work of others. The reproducibility of studies and the ability to follow up on the work of others is key for innovation in science and engineering.


Presentations: Tips

  • Balance the information
    • Moving forward feels good
  • Reduce text, increase visuals
  • Include slide numbers/ total number of slides

Presentation: Structure

  • Quarto website
    • Multiple format rendering
  • Presentations with revealjs as the format
    • Interactive slides
    • Easy to navigate
    • Presentation tools
    • etc.

Presentation: Set up

We need to adjust our project_web repositories to reflect some additional features in the upstream repository.

  1. Sync fork on GitHub
  2. Pull changes to local repository (RStudio)
  3. Remove .github/ directory (with the workflow)
  4. Learn the quarto render and quarto publish gh-pages commands

Presentation: revealjs


  • Global
  • Slide
  • Slide elements


Final thoughts

  • Communication is key
  • Share your work
  • Build on the work of others
