
“People generally see what they look for, and hear what they listen for.”
— Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird

Dr. Jerid Francom

Apr 10, 2024


  • Orientation
  • Statistical inference
    • Workflow with infer


The Big Picture


Inferential Data Analysis


  • Assess hypotheses

When to use

  • To make inferences about a population
    generalize from a sample

How to use

  • Identify, Inspect, Interrogate, Interpret
  • Non-iterative

Statistical inference


Null Hypothesis Significance Testing (NHST)

  • \(H_0\) Null hypothesis: no effect
    assumed true from the outset
  • \(H_1\) Alternative hypothesis: effect exists
    only if we have evidence to reject the null hypothesis

Evidence: the likelihood of the observed statistic(s) if the null hypothesis is true is below some pre-specified threshold (significance level).


Theory-based NHST

  • Classical
  • Based on theoretical distributions
    • Requires assumptions about the data (ex. parametric, non-parametric)
  • Relies on conceptual understanding of mathematical properties
    • Tends to be more difficult to understand (for non-statisticians)

Simulation-based NHST

  • Empirical
  • Based on resampling methods
    • Does not require assumptions about the data
  • Frames the problem in terms of the data
    • Easier to understand (for non-statisticians)

The infer (Couch et al. 2021) package is a simulation-based approach to NHST.

Workflow with infer

A. Identify

  • Map the hypothesis to the response and explanatory variable(s)
  • Determine the information types and relationship(s) between the variables.
  • Choose the relevant test statistic and significance level

B. Inspect

  • Summarize and visualize the relationship(s) between the variables
  • Check assumptions (if necessary)
  • Choose resampling method (bootstrap, permutation, etc.)

C. Interrogate

  • Generate the null distribution
    • Specify the relationship(s)
  • Calculate the observed test statistic
  • Calculate the p-value
  • Generate the resampling distribution of the test statistic
  • Calculate the confidence interval

D. Interpret

  • Evaluate p-value and confidence interval
  • Evaluate evidence in the context of the research question

Statistical test designs

Scenario Explanatory variable(s) Statistical test infer
Univariate - Proportion prop
Bivariate Categorical Difference in proportions diff in props
Bivariate (>2 levels) Categorical (3+ levels) Chi-square chisq
Multivariate Categorical or Numeric
(2+ variables)
Logistic regression fit()

Statistical test designs

Scenario Explanatory variable(s) Statistical test infer
Univariate - Mean mean
Bivariate Numeric Correlation correlation
Bivariate Categorical (2 levels) Difference in means diff in means
Bivariate Categorical (3+ levels ) ANOVA f
Multivariate Numeric or Categorical (2+) Linear regression fit()

Case study: Passives x Variety

Case study
RQ Difference in passives between American and British English
Population Written American and British English
Hypothesis British English uses more passives than American English
Null hypothesis No difference in passives between American and British English, or American English uses more passives


Mapping pass_rate ~ var
Information types Resp: num, Exp: cat (2 levels)
Test statistic Difference in means
Significance level 0.05

Inspect: summaries

With a bivariate relationship where the explanatory variable has two levels, we can use a boxplot or density plot to visualize the distribution of the response variable.

Interrogate: calculate observed statistic

Interrogate: generate null distribution

Interrogate: calculate p-value

Interrogate: generate resampling distribution

Interrogate: calculate confidence interval



Final thoughts

  • Inferential data analysis is a powerful tool for making inferences about a population based on a sample.
  • The infer package provides a simulation-based approach to NHST that is easier to understand than classical methods.

Case study: Passives x Genre

Case study
RQ Difference in passives between genres in English
Population Written English
Hypothesis More formal genres use more passives than less formal genres
Null hypothesis No difference in passives between genres, or less formal genres use more passives


Mapping pass_rate ~ genre
Information types Resp: num, Exp: cat (9 levels)
Test statistic ANOVA (f)
Significance level 0.05

Inspect: summaries

Interrogate: calculate observed statistic

Interrogate: generate null distribution

Interrogate: calculate p-value

Interrogate: generate resampling distribution

Interrogate: calculate confidence interval



Couch, Simon P., Andrew P. Bray, Chester Ismay, Evgeni Chasnovski, Benjamin S. Baumer, and Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel. 2021. infer: An R Package for Tidyverse-Friendly Statistical Inference.” Journal of Open Source Software 6 (65): 3661.