
“All models are wrong, but some are useful.”
— George E.P. Box

Dr. Jerid Francom

Apr 3, 2024


  • Orientation
  • Predictive modeling
    • Workflow with tidymodels


The Big Picture


Predictive Data Analysis


  • Prescribe actions
  • Examine outcome-predictor relationship
  • Assess hypotheses

When to use

  • To perform tasks
  • Specific knowledge gap
  • Alternative to inference

How to use

  • Identify, Inspect, Interrogate, Interpret
  • Iterative:
    • Features, Model

Predictive modeling

Classification vs. Regression tasks

  • Classification: Predicting a categorical variable
  • Regression: Predicting a continuous variable

Features: tokenization

In text analysis, features are often linguistic units (tokens).

Features: metadata

But they can also be other types of variables such as metadata.

Features: text features

Or derived features.

Workflow with tidymodels

A. Identify

  • Variables
  • Splits
  • Recipe

B. Inspect

  • Features

C. Interrogate

  • Model
  • Tune
  • Fit
  • Evaluate

D. Interpret

  • Predict
  • Evaluate
  • Explore

Identify: variables

  • Outcome variable: The variable you want to predict
  • Predictor variables: The variables you will use to make the prediction
Variable Type Description
gender Outcome Aim to predict ‘female’ or ‘male’
text Predictor Text data to predict gender

Identify: Splits

  • Training set: Used to train, tune, and evaluate the model
  • Testing set: Used to evaluate the final model

Identify: Recipe

  • Recipe: A blueprint for how to process the data

Identify: Recipe

  • Feature selection: Choosing the most relevant variables

Identify: Recipe

  • Feature engineering: Deriving new variables and transforming existing ones

Interrogate: Model selection

  • Model specification: A blueprint for the model
  • Model family: The type of model to use (e.g., logistic regression, random forest)
  • Engine: The software that will fit the model (e.g., LiblineaR, ranger)
  • Hyperparameters: Settings that control the model’s behavior (e.g., number of trees in a random forest)
Model Family Engine
logistic_reg() Logistic regression LiblineaR
decision_tree() Decision tree C5.0
random_forest() Random forest ranger
svm_linear() Support vector machine LiblineaR

Each model has hyperparameters that can be tuned to improve performance.

Interrogate: Model selection

  • Model specification: A blueprint for the model

The logistic_reg() model has a penalty hyperparameter that controls the minimum number of observations in a node. Tuning this parameter and the max_tokens() filter will help the model generalize better.

Interrogate: Model selection

Create a workflow that combines the recipe and model specification.

Interrogate: Model tuning

  • Hyperparameter tuning: Finding the best settings for the model
  • Resampling: Using the training set to estimate how well the model will perform on new (slices of) data

Interrogate: Model tuning

Choose the best hyperparameters and finalize the workflow.

Interrogate: Fit the model

  • Fit the model: Train the model on the training set
  • Cross-validation: Repeatedly train and evaluate the model on different slices of the training set

Interrogate: Evaluate the model

Performance metrics: Measures of how well the model is doing


  • Confusion matrix: A table showing the model’s predictions versus the actual outcomes
  • ROC curve: A graph showing the trade-off between true positive rate and false positive rate


  • RMSE: Root mean squared error
  • Standard deviation of residuals: How much the model’s predictions deviate from the actual outcomes

Identify: Recipe (x2)

Our previous feature selection:

  • Tokenization: words
  • Feature engineering: tf-idf
  • Feature selection: 150 tokens

Interrogate: Model selection (x2)

Update the workflow with the new recipe.

Interrogate: Model tuning (x2)

Update the grid and resampling.

Interrogate: Fit the model (x2)

  • Fit the model: Train the model on the training set
  • Cross-validation: Repeatedly train and evaluate the model on different slices of the training set

Interrogate: Evaluate the model (x2)

Performance metrics: Measures of how well the model is doing

Identify: Recipe (x3)

Our previous feature selection:

  • Tokenization: words
  • Feature engineering: tf-idf
  • Feature selection: 150 tokens

Interrogate: Model selection (x3)

Update the workflow with the new recipe.

Interrogate: Model tuning (x3)

Update the grid and resampling.

Interpret: predict

  • Predictions: Using the model to make predictions on new data (test set)

Interpret: Evaluate

  • Generalization: How well the model performs on new data
Overfitting Underfitting
When the model performs well on the training set but poorly on new data When the model performs poorly on both the training set and new data

Interpret: Evaluate

  • Feature importance: Which variables are most important for the model’s predictions

For linear models we get coefficients, for tree-based models we get variable importance.

Interpret: Evaluate

We need to standardize the coefficients to compare them.


Final thoughts

  • Predictive modeling is a powerful tool for examining relationships in data which can perform tasks (as AI) or provide insights into features that are important for the outcome.
  • The tidymodels package provides a consistent and flexible framework for building and evaluating models


Kuhn, Max, and Hadley Wickham. 2020. Tidymodels: A Collection of Packages for Modeling and Machine Learning Using Tidyverse Principles.