Taming data

The process of curating data

Dr. Jerid Francom

Mar 6, 2024


  • Setup
  • Orientation
  • Preparation
  • Implementation
  • Documentation


  • Lab-06: Fork, clone, and create RStudio project
  • Create 2_curate.qmd file in process/ directory
  • Prepare front-matter
  • Prepare sections


  • Data origin?
    • Sampling frame, data collection, schema design
  • Data type?
    • (Un/semi)structured
  • Data format?
    • Standardized (CSV, JSON, XML, etc.) or non-standardized
  • Metadata?
    • Inline, external, file/ directory structure


  • Idealized structure
    • What would be the ideal structured data?
      • How many columns, what types, what names, etc.?
  • Steps to achieve idealized structure
    • Create an outline
    • Add comments, notes, and questions
    • Identify packages, strategies, and tools


  • Typical steps
    • Read data (readr, readtext, etc.)
    • Clean dataset (dplyr, tidyr, stringr etc.)
    • Organize dataset (dplyr, tidyr, stringr etc.)
    • Write dataset (readr)


Separate data/ datasets

  • Read-only data (data/original/)
  • Derived data (data/derived/)

Dataset documentation

  • Quarto process and code block comments
  • Data versioning/ naming
  • Data dictionary (qtalrkit)

Secure data sharing

  • Data sharing (.gitignore file)

Next steps