
Understanding data and information

Dr. Jerid Francom

Jan 31, 2024


Up for today:

  • Understanding data
  • From data to information
  • Documenting the process

Looking ahead:

  • Recipe and lab 02

Quick reminders

Course schedule


  • Intro to Swirl
  • Workspace
  • Vectors
  • Objects
  • Packages and functions

Keeping up with this work is in your best interest.

Don’t forget the lessons! They are key to making sure you will be ready for upcoming programming portions of labs!

Understanding data

The raw material of data science

Populations and samples


An idealized set of objects or events that share a common characteristic or belong to a specific category.


A finite set of objects or events from drawn from a defined population.


Sampling frame Defining the population of interest.


The degree to which a sample reflects the characteristics of the population from which it is drawn.

  • All samples are biased to some extent.
  • Some samples are more biased than others.

Minimize bias

  • Size
  • Randomization
  • Stratification
  • Balance


Type Sampling scope Example
Reference General characteristics of a language population ANC1
Specialized Specific populations, e.g. spoken language, academic writing, etc. SBCSAE2
Parallel Directly comparable texts in different languages (i.e. translations) Europarl3
Comparable Indirectly comparable texts in different languages or language varieties (i.e. similar sampling frames) Brown and LOB4

Corpus formats

Plain text

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.


<text id = "1">
  <sentence id="1">
    <word id="1">The</word>
    <word id="2">quick</word>
    <word id="3">brown</word>
    <word id="4">fox</word>
    <word id="5">jumps</word>
    <word id="6">over</word>
    <word id="7">the</word>
    <word id="8">lazy</word>
    <word id="9">dog</word>
    <word id="10">.</word>

R data frame

   text_id sentence_id word_id  word
1        1           1       1   The
2        1           1       2 quick
3        1           1       3 brown
4        1           1       4   fox
5        1           1       5 jumps
6        1           1       6  over
7        1           1       7   the
8        1           1       8  lazy
9        1           1       9   dog
10       1           1      10     .

From data to information

Tidy data

Physical structure

Tidy data

Semantic structure

   title             date modality domain          ref_num word       lemma      pos
   <chr>            <dbl> <fct>    <chr>             <int> <chr>      <chr>      <chr>
 1 Hotel California  2008 Writing  General Fiction       1 Sound      sound      NNP
 2 Hotel California  2008 Writing  General Fiction       2 is         be         VBZ
 3 Hotel California  2008 Writing  General Fiction       3 a          a          DT
 4 Hotel California  2008 Writing  General Fiction       4 vibration  vibration  NN
 5 Hotel California  2008 Writing  General Fiction       5 .          .          .
 6 Hotel California  2008 Writing  General Fiction       6 Sound      sound      NNP
 7 Hotel California  2008 Writing  General Fiction       7 travels    travel     VBZ
 8 Hotel California  2008 Writing  General Fiction       8 as         as         IN
 9 Hotel California  2008 Writing  General Fiction       9 a          a          DT
10 Hotel California  2008 Writing  General Fiction      10 mechanical mechanical JJ
  • Levels of measurement
  • Unit of observation

Levels of measurement

essay_id part_id sex    group tokens types   ttr prop_l2
E1       L01     female T2        79    46 0.582   0.987
E2       L02     female T1        18    18 1       0.667
E7       L07     male   T3        98    60 0.612   1
E3       L02     female T3       101    53 0.525   1
E4       L05     female T1        20    17 0.85    0.9
E8       L07     male   T4       134    84 0.627   0.978
E5       L05     female T3       158    80 0.506   0.987
E6       L05     female T4       184    94 0.511   0.995

What are the levels of measurement?

Level Description Question
Categorical Mutually exclusive categories What?
Ordinal Ordered categorical What order?
Numeric Ordinal intervals How much/ many?

Unit of observation

essay_id part_id sex    group tokens types   ttr prop_l2
E1       L01     female T2        79    46 0.582   0.987
E2       L02     female T1        18    18 1       0.667
E7       L07     male   T3        98    60 0.612   1
E3       L02     female T3       101    53 0.525   1
E4       L05     female T1        20    17 0.85    0.9
E8       L07     male   T4       134    84 0.627   0.978
E5       L05     female T3       158    80 0.506   0.987
E6       L05     female T4       184    94 0.511   0.995

What is the unit of observation?



Types: preparation

Clean, standardize, and derive key attributes

Type Example
Case Lower, UPPER, Title Case
Remove Punctuation, special characters
Replace abbreviations, contractions

Any linguistic unit that can be operationalized.

# A tibble: 6 × 2
  text_id word                 
    <dbl> <chr>                
1       1 tokenization enables 
2       1 enables the          
3       1 the quantitative     
4       1 quantitative analysis
5       1 analysis of          
6       1 of text              

Types: enrichment

Augment the dataset with additional information

  • Decrease levels
  • Increase levels
# A tibble: 10 × 3
   word       pos   cat        
   <chr>      <chr> <chr>      
 1 Recoding   NN    Noun       
 2 transforms VBZ   Verb       
 3 values     NNS   Noun       
 4 to         TO    Preposition
 5 new        JJ    Adjective  
 6 values     NNS   Noun       
 7 more       RBR   Adverb     
 8 suitable   JJ    Adjective  
 9 for        IN    Preposition
10 analysis   NN    Noun       
# A tibble: 11 × 6
   sent_id token_id token    xpos  features                   syntactic_relation
     <dbl> <chr>    <chr>    <chr> <chr>                      <chr>             
 1       1 1        Wow      UH    <NA>                       discourse         
 2       1 2        ,        ,     <NA>                       punct             
 3       1 3        this     DT    Number=Sing|PronType=Dem   nsubj             
 4       1 4        is       VBZ   Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Pers… cop               
 5       1 5        a        DT    Definite=Ind|PronType=Art  det               
 6       1 6        great    JJ    Degree=Pos                 amod              
 7       1 7        tool     NN    Number=Sing                root              
 8       1 8        for      IN    <NA>                       case              
 9       1 9        text     NN    Number=Sing                compound          
10       1 10       analysis NN    Number=Sing                nmod              
11       1 11       !        .     <NA>                       punct             



Documenting the process

Data origin

Table 1: Data origin template
Information Description
Resource name Name of the corpus resource.
Data source URL, DOI, etc.
Data sampling frame Language, language variety, modality, genre, etc.
Data collection date(s) The date or date range of the data collection.
Data format Plain text, XML, HTML, etc.
Data schema Relationships between data elements: files, folders, etc.
License CC BY, CC BY-NC, etc.
Attribution Citation information for the data source.

Data dictionary

Table 2: Data dictionary template
Information Description
Variable name The name of the variable as it appears in the dataset, e.g. participant_id, modality, etc.
Readable variable name A human-readable name for the variable, e.g. ‘Participant ID’, ‘Language modality’, etc.
Variable type The type of information that the variable contains, e.g. ‘categorical’, ‘ordinal’, etc.
Variable description A prose description expanding on the readable name and can include measurement units, allowed values, etc.

Looking ahead

Recipe and lab


  1. The OANC is a large collection of written and spoken American English from 1990 onwards, with freely available data and annotations.

  2. The Santa Barbara Corpus includes transcriptions and audio recordings of natural conversations from across the US.

  3. The Europarl Parallel Corpus is a collection of proceedings from the European Parliament translated into 21 European languages and aligned at the sentence level to build datasets for statistical machine translation research.

  4. The Brown Corpus is the first computer-readable general corpus of edited American English texts from 1961 containing approximately 1 million words across 500 samples.